Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Please: Bring Me More Spam

I have to laugh.
Maybe just to keep from crying, but I have to laugh nonetheless.

In the year or more that I have run this blog (very quietly), I have dealt with probably 80-90 spam attcks.

This blog has no juice.

It is an intentional silo - unlinked, and unloved.

But thanks to search engine magic, it gets spammed at least once a week.
Because blog comments count!

Idiot search engines.

Make blog comments count, and automated blog comments are completely your fault.

Make blogs in general count, and they too, will be automated.

Put a fraction of a penny somewhere in the mix, and let the games begin.

So I'd like to thank the search engines for bringing me countless worthless visits, from bots and little automated scripts written by kids too scared to leave their Mom's basement.

As a freelance seo copywriter, this is all I could ever hope for, and so much more.

Thank you.

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